Our little comedian
So our Little One has started some new tricks. She can cross her fingers (why she does this I don't know), and she will play "Head and shoulders, knees and toes" by placing her finger on her cheek and spinning around in a circle.
Her favorite word this week is "HI!"
This morning, she decided that our dog's bed was great fun and she walked over to it and plopped down in it facing us. She then proceeded to play "peekaboo" by bending herself in half and putting her head down, wait for our laughter and then come up again. Then she'd sit there and make noises with her lips and tongue, "blethle, blethle, blethle..."
She's getting better at saying the word "more"; it sounds like a congested "more" than her previous "ba"
Oh and her latest discovery is that she can tip things over. She has decided that her learning table is much more fun upside down!
"Sproutlet" music in my head
Not sure why I have this one in my head. All I see is Melanie from Sprout dancing to her intro: "Hey... hooray! It's been another fantastic day and now it's time to say.... Good BANANAS... Good NOODLES (scrunched up face)... Good NIGHT!"
Get... it... out... please!
On Illegal Immigration
According to a study, approximately 3.5 million people, 1.35 million of them children, are likely to experience homelessness in a given year (National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty, 2004).
According to Federation for American Immigration Reform (
http://www.fairus.org), the Center for Immigration Studies estimated the illegal alien population to be from 10 to 12 million as of 2004.
FrontPage Magazine interviewed Maricopa County Attorney Andrew P. Thomas (district attorney for Phoenix, Arizona), who admitted that Arizona leads the nation in its rates of illegal immigration and crime, and that they are directly related. (
The crimes that he mentioned ranged from fraud to murder.
In addition, the latest released unemployment rate is about 5%. So… why are we allowing people to come across our borders and take our jobs and homes and commit crimes against our people when there are people who desperately need jobs and homes and have lived here in the US all their lives? Granted, there are apparently more illegal immigrants than homeless, but why did they come across illegally to begin with? It’s not that difficult to come here legally! Employers offer work visas, and schools offer education visas. People are even given the opportunity to become citizens.
In this day and age after 9/11, we can
not afford to allow just anyone into this country. We need to be more diligent in screening people that come into the country; our security depends on it.
Our little one has been waking up in the middle of the night for the past couple of nights, screaming her head off as if something really scared her. Keep in mind she's only 14 months old, so she can't really tell us what happened. I'm thinking it could be nightmares, but I'm not sure what they could be about! When we do watch tv with her in the room, it's either a kid-friendly show or a completely kid network (such as Sprout or Noggin). Maybe she's scared of Barney? :) I just feel so badly that there's nothing I can do.