Our little comedian
So our Little One has started some new tricks. She can cross her fingers (why she does this I don't know), and she will play "Head and shoulders, knees and toes" by placing her finger on her cheek and spinning around in a circle.Her favorite word this week is "HI!"
This morning, she decided that our dog's bed was great fun and she walked over to it and plopped down in it facing us. She then proceeded to play "peekaboo" by bending herself in half and putting her head down, wait for our laughter and then come up again. Then she'd sit there and make noises with her lips and tongue, "blethle, blethle, blethle..."
She's getting better at saying the word "more"; it sounds like a congested "more" than her previous "ba"
Oh and her latest discovery is that she can tip things over. She has decided that her learning table is much more fun upside down!
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