Friday, February 10, 2006

Today's music in my head

Ok, so this morning I asked my hubby to give me more CDs for my car from his car so that I wasn't stuck with the same CD that I had been listening to for the past week. My commute to and from work is an hour, so I've listened to this CD a LOT. I finally get some new CDs in my car... but I still have the other songs in my head. They're just so catchy; I can't understand why a major label hasn't picked him up yet.

Check out Harry Francis's songs at and click on Music. It lists the songs from his album, Hi-fi Virgin. My faves on there are "So Alive" and the demo version of "Until We Meet Again" (It's a hidden track in the album version). Hubby likes "Pole Position."

I hear that Harry's been getting airplay in other countries, but for some reason not here in the US.


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