Preggie Dream - Volcano
Ok, this one was a couple of nights ago, but it was still pretty vivid.
My husband, daughter and I were living in a house that was basically in a mountainside neighborhood. I was still pregnant in my dream (which I am IRL). I told Marc (my husband) that I was going to run down to pick up my friend Matt from Altoona as if it were a 20-minute drive. The drive to Altoona looked an awful lot like the drive between Lincroft and Eatontown, NJ on Swimming River Road. Sorry if you don't know the place. :) I came up to the turn to go over the bridge, and cars were stopped everywhere and there was a road closure going straight. I applied the brakes, but my car had shut off (I was not out of gas, and it's a fairly new car!), and kept coasting until I was finally able to get the car to stop. Then I noticed that ahead, there was steaming black lava on the road ahead. I managed to push the car to turn around and got to a point that I was able to get the car started again.
I was driving along the road to go back home, and I was on the cell phone with my aunt, who lives in GA. I was telling her about the volcano erupting in the middle of town, and I could see the red lava spewing from the top. It seemed so far away at the time. As I was getting closer to home, I noticed red splashes very close to the road that I for some reason thought were fumes and told my aunt that I could even see fumes from where I was. In the next minute, red molton lava made it onto the road and hit my car -- I could feel the heat. I told my aunt, "I love you, and tell Marc and everyone I love them too!"
Then I woke up.
I took a few breaths, telling myself that it wasn't real and there are no volcanoes in my general neighborhood. For some reason I thought, "If I could just make it to the ocean, I'll be fine."
So I fell back to sleep.
This time, I was on the beach with my husband, my daughter, and my aunt (not sure how she made it there from GA so quickly... and there are no beaches in the DC area, so just bear with me!), and there were a lot of cardboard boxes on the beach. My husband grabbed our daughter and a cardboard box and started out to sea, encouraging me to follow. I flagged down my aunt and asked her if she wanted to share a cardboard box so we could try to stay afloat. We both made it out to the bay as we watched the lava from the still-erupting volcano empty into the ocean.
We all found our way to another part of the bay, where there was a part of town that was untouched. There was a gas station, and there were pizza boxes on the ground. The people at the gas station encouraged us to come ashore and get something to eat. We all did, and all the pizza had pepperoni as a topping. I remember opening a fresh box and reaching for a piece.
Then I woke up.
Labels: dreams, eruption, lava, nightmares, pregnancy, pregnant, volcano
Preggie Dreams
Man, I've been having a bunch of strange dreams lately. Some of them nightmares even.
After watching Pirates of the Carribbean: Dead Man's Chest, I had a nightmare that Davy Jones was choking me.
I had another nightmare the other night:
My hubby and I were at this retreat or something in this big house that had a very big foyer, where everyone who was there had taken a seat or laid out on the floor (there was no furniture). We sat down on some blankets, and there was a scream at some point, and everyone was running out the front doors (including us). Someone stopped me and told me that everything was going to be ok and took me back inside. She sat me down on a comfortable chair and gave me hot cocoa or tea or something to drink. Then she asked me to follow her upstairs, which I did -- up a spiral staircase. I started feeling dizzy, and my sides felt like they were falling asleep. I commented that I felt funny. The woman rushed me to a chair then immediately turned into a wavy demon, laughing maniacally. I tried to fight, but I couldn't move and I felt myself passing out... which is when I woke up. When I woke up, I felt like I couldn't move my body at all. It was kinda scary, actually.
New Year's Eve, I had another strange dream.
My husband, my daughter, my in-laws, and my dog were all at this small diner-style restaurant that had a bunch of tables in a sunken circle. Ryan Seacrest was there with cameras, making announcements about the restaurant. You could access the circle from 4 different side where there were stairs (just a couple of steps down). On the walls of the circle were 1/4 of a chessboard, on each wall. In essence, to play a full game of chess, you had to use the whole circle. The pieces did not look like typical chess pieces; it was like they were made of Play-Doh and were shaped in various ways that would not necessarily be intutive as to what the pieces actually were. When Ryan Seacrest was done with the TV stuff, he came down and talked to us like he knew who we were and challenged my dog to a game of chess. My dog accepted. She's a standard poodle, so she's smart in real life, but... riiiiiiggght. The best part of it was, by the time I woke up, my dog was BEATING Ryan Seacrest at chess.
The other night, I had a dream that my daughter was a little older (she's turning 3 soon, but she looked to be at least 6), and my baby boy (I know it's a boy) looked JUST like my husband's cousin (who's currently 6 I think). He appeared out of nowhere, and he had a full head of blonde hair (my husband and I both have dark hair, so it looked a little out of place). What was even more strange was that we were calling him by my husband's cousin's name. Well in this dream, he needed a haircut and his hair was like a doll's -- you would pull it a little and it would come out a little more, but then it would retract back when you let go. It made giving him a haircut very difficult. After we finished cutting his hair, he wanted to watch a DVD and insisted on putting it in the player himself. My daughter rolled her eyes and was worried that he would destroy the player. The dream overall seemed very strange, since in the dream, it felt like our boy was dropped off with us rather than going through labor, and he was already about 3 years old. There was no memory in the dream of him being with us even the day before. If only it were that easy! ;)
Labels: dreams, nightmares, pregnancy, pregnant