Please help my aunt!
A week ago, my aunt (who lives in the Atlanta, GA area), was planning on visiting us for my daughter's 2-year-old birthday. I receieved a phone call from my mom in the early afternoon letting me know that she'd be leaving later that afternoon for the drive and then broke me the news that my aunt would not be making it up this weekend. She was in a terrible car accident. She was taken to the hospital and thankfully nothing was broken and there was no internal bleeding, but she had lots of bruising. Her car was completely totalled to the point that the only part that wasn't smushed was the driver's cabin.Apparently the other driver came across the median on the Interstate. The other driver didn't make it. It's not certain if it was the accident or another condition that caused the other driver to not make it.
I spoke with my aunt today, and she's still sore. Thank goodness she's generally ok, but her car didn't make it. Unfortunately, the insurance gave her a mere $4000 for the Corolla she had bought new just a few years ago. She's not exactly well-to-do, and she's been trying to make ends meet all her life.
I'd like to raise funds to help her get a new car. Any funds donated through this link will be used to help her out, and ANY amount will help. I'll update this blog entry with a running total. Thanks everyone!
Amount donated as of 1/30/07: $0.00

Labels: accident, Corolla, donations, fundraiser, fundraising, help, medical, Toyota