Thursday, August 10, 2006

Good week, including WW!

I got my final grades for my summer classes, and I got an A and an A-! So I am done with my Master's degree! Yay!!!

WW was good this week, too! I reached my 10% goal and need to talk with my leader about a final goal weight. I got a spiffy new keychain and got in front of everyone to tell them about my journey. Here's my stats:

Progress: -2.6 pounds (I gained .2 last week)
Current Weight: 196.6 pounds
Total weight loss so far: 23 pounds

This weekend was pretty bad, so I'm actually surprised that I lost as much as I did. We had happy hour last Thursday, went out to Don Pablo's on Saturday, and had homemade chinese (schezwan beef) with rice another point this week.

Even with all the mishaps, I stayed within my weekly points and did my best to fit in veggies and water.

Weekly commitment: Schedule in exercise.

Monday, August 07, 2006

I was given the evil eye!

So this morning, my Little One finished her banana and wanted another one. Since hubby and I don't enjoy dealing with messy diapers (and the constipated kind), we've decided to limit her banana intake. Plus, there was only one left and I wanted it. :) I had the banana in my hand as I was leaving, and Hubby told Little Miss to say goodbye to me. Instead, she looked at me and said, "Nana!"