Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Strange Dream

Ok, so I had a very strange dream last night. Here's how it went:

I'm on this bus with my husband and Little One and we get off somewhere in the city where there are old but brick-faced homes. There's a hole in the front of one of them, and that's where we head. As we approach the house, we see stairs that lead down directly from the hole. We take those stairs and meet up with my dad, who leads us through some rooms that have stacks of supplies. One room has stacks of Aeron chairs. We get to the main room where people are working in their workstations and he shows me around a little more. There's a row of reclining chairs that are specifically for napping during the day. He shows me around a little more then tells me that the company wants to hire me, and they want to offer me a $1.5 million salary. For whatever reason, I tell my dad that I have to think about it, and I could hear myself thinking that I really like where I currently work, and would I want to make that kind of move?
I don't remember too much more of the dream, but I'm sitting here thinking... WHAT THE HELL WAS I THINKING? Someone offers me a million-dollar salary and I have to THINK about it?! Sheesh. Any interpretations are welcome. :)


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